Walnut diseases. What pests and diseases attack these trees?

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Walnut produces tasty and healthy fruits. However, you need to be careful to provide it with the right conditions and protect it from pests and diseases. We present the most popular of them.

The walnut gall wasp is an invisible pest that feeds on the underside of the leaves and sucks the sap from them. The results are lighter spots, twisting of the leaves, and eventually leaf drop. Always remember to remove infested blades, and reach for specialized preparations if necessary.

Another pest are aphids that feed on leaves, their petioles and fruits. They most often attack weakened trees. Aphids are yellowish green and 2 to 5 millimeters long. Ladybugs help to control them naturally, but when there are too many of them, then specific cleaning products must come into action.

>> Read also: Natural ways to fight garden pests

When it comes to diseases, the most common is walnut anthracnose, which attacks the leaves, shoots and fruit. It manifests itself by large yellow spots, which over time turn dark brown. Leaves and shoots wither and fall off, and the fruit rots.

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Photo by NickyPe from Pixabay.com

The disease known as bacterial walnut rot or bacterial blotch is also to be feared. Here, too, we have to deal with spots, but they are much smaller than in anthracnose. In addition, you can see depressions on the fruit and, on the shoots, first light-colored and then increasingly dark streaks.

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