Ornamental shrubs

Which ornamental shrubs thrive in small gardens?
Which ornamental shrubs thrive in small gardens?

Discover the best low-maintenance ornamental shrubs that thrive in small spaces. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insight on planting and caring for shrubs in small gardens to maximize your outdoor aesthetic appeal.

What shrubs are worth planting in autumn?
What shrubs are worth planting in autumn?

Wondering what shrubs are worth planting in autumn? There are quite a few possibilities. Learn more and make the most of the favorable weather conditions that will prevail in the coming weeks!

Fargesia rue. Cultivation and care
Fargesia rue. Cultivation and care

Fargesia rusty is a plant of exotic origin, yet it also grows well in Polish conditions. We explain how to care for fargesia.

How do I plant conifers in pots?
How do I plant conifers in pots?

Want to plant conifers in pots on your balcony or patio? Find out how to do it

Philodendron – species, care and cultivation
Philodendron – species, care and cultivation

Looking for an interesting room plant? Philodendron will be a great idea. See what are its varieties and how to take care of it

Ornamental shrubs on the trunk. The most interesting varieties
Ornamental shrubs on the trunk. The most interesting varieties

Ornamental shrubs on the trunk are miniature forms of plants that we can grow in small gardens and even balconies. Their requirements are not exorbitant. We present some of the most popular varieties.

Tall ornamental grass. Cultivation and care
Tall ornamental grass. Cultivation and care

Functional, low-maintenance, and with a natural look. No wonder tall ornamental grasses are so popular. How do they grow and care for them in the garden?

How do I care for a hedge?
How do I care for a hedge?

How do you maintain a hedge and what type works best for your garden?

Boxwood moth. Control methods
Boxwood moth. Control methods

The boxwood moth is a very dangerous pest that is also attacking this year. See how to get rid of these insects from your garden quickly and effectively!

Care of conifers in spring
Care of conifers in spring

Find out how best to carry out spring care of conifers to keep them healthy and looking great