Insecticides – insecticides. Application and curiosities

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Insecticides are extremely necessary insecticides that help to keep pests free. They are used in agriculture, orcharding and to control insects that attack vegetables.

Insecticides – an effective weapon in the fight against pests

Insecticides are both chemical and natural agents made from extracts of plant roots, stems and flowers. By using appropriate microbial insekcides pests are effectively controlled and do not destroy crops.

The preparations are used preventively, even before the appearance of uninvited pests, or intervening, when insects have already attacked the plants. In order to minimize the harmfulness of insecticides, it is recommended to carry out spraying after the flight of pollinating insects – it is on their work and activity that the quality and quantity of crops depends.

Interestingly, insecticides do not cause the death of harmful insects, but they have a disorienting effect on males, preventing them from fertilizing females. As a result, the pests do not reproduce and the plant is freed from them. When choosing an insecticide it is worth to choose the one that is the least harmful for bees.

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