Installing solar panels – step by step

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Installing solar panels is one of the best decisions you can make. For large projects, you should hire an expert. However, if you know how to install solar panels, you can quietly monitor his work to make sure it meets certain standards.

An engineer’s visit

Once you have signed the contract to make and install the solar PV system, expect a visit from an engineer. He or she will check the electrical condition of your home and make sure everything is compatible with your new energy system. Typically, this type of person will work directly for the installer, but he or she may also be an independent professional with whom the installer has contracted. During the visit, he or she will also assess the property for system size, roof type and angle, and shading.

As with any large investment, installing solar panels involves a lot of paperwork. Fortunately, most of that paperwork is handled by the installer.

How do you choose solar panels?

First, pay attention to the efficiency, which is the ratio (in percentage) of solar energy that reaches the panel to the electricity generated by the module. For example, if a photovoltaic panel captured half of the sun’s energy, the conversion efficiency would be 50%. In reality, the efficiency of traditional panels is in the range of 15-21%. The higher the efficiency, the more watts of electricity you will receive per square meter of panel. As a result, the entire system takes up less space on your roof. On the other hand, you have to reckon with a higher price. Also pay attention to the length of the manufacturer’s warranty. Usually it is more than 25 years. Price and rated power output also play an important role.

When looking for a photovoltaic panel installation company, consider several factors. Check its experience, portfolio, expertise and reputation. This will give you confidence that everything will work flawlessly. Also ask for an initial quote for the service. Remember to read the contract carefully before you sign it.

Your home’s electricity needs depend on the lighting systems and appliances you use every day. Analyze your electricity bills and decide whether you want to partially or fully meet said demand with solar panels

Remember that the amount of energy generated by a panel is affected by the number of hours of sunlight in a given location. The more hours, the more energy you will get from several modules. Apart from this, pay attention to the roof area and the budget you have

Installing photovoltaic panels

The actual installation is an exciting day for any homeowner. First, a professional will prepare the roof and make sure the shingles or tiles are properly attached. Next, he will connect the electrical wires that will be hooked up to the electrical panel and general power system. Next, he will install a rack to support the panels (this is the only piece of equipment that will actually be on the roof). Once level and securely fastened, he will place the panels on the rack. Finally, he will connect the inverter, which converts DC power into AC power used in homes and the electrical grid

Finally, he will turn on the power and test the system. The entire installation will take 1-3 days, depending on the size of the system. If you choose to use a power meter to measure the valuable, the process will add several hours.

How do solar panels work?

Some materials can produce electricity when light falls on them. This phenomenon is called the photovoltaic effect. Solar panels convert the sun’s energy into direct current electricity. An inverter unit then converts it into alternating current for the electrical circuits in your home. Excess energy can be returned to the electrical grid or your own storage system.

Most solar cells are made of silicon. Solar panels, also called modules, are made up of several of these components, connected together and sandwiched between protective glass and a back plate. The entire panel is usually surrounded by an aluminum frame.

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